School Policies and Procedures » Personal Items Policy

Personal Items Policy

The Los Angeles Unified School District does not provide insurance for loss or damaged to property of students. Please discuss with your child the importance of taking responsibility for his/her belongings.

Electronics and Toys  - Students are not to bring toys, balls, electronic devices or cards to school. These items create a distraction in the classroom and a disturbance on the playground. We ask your assistance in cutting down on losses and damages to student property.

Cellular Phones – In the past couple of years, numerous cell phones have interrupted instruction when handled in the classroom and around campus. If cell phones are heard or seen during the school day, they will be confiscated and only returned to the parent. Please note that students can call parents in the main office. We highly discourage students from bringing cell phones to school.

Label all clothing, backpacks and lunch bags with your child’s name, grade, and room number so that these items can be easily identifiable and returned to your child.

Lost and Found – Each month bags of clothing (sweatshirts, sweaters, jackets, and shirts) with no names are collected after being left on the playground. These articles of clothing will remain on campus until the end of the month at which time they will be donated to an organization that clothes the needy. Remind your child to immediately check the lost and found located in front of the Plant Manager’s office for your valuable items.

Birthday Celebrations - Simple birthday parties may be held only during recess or lunch time and may not infringe on instructional time. Please meet with your child’s teacher for approval. Please do not ask school personnel to handout invitations to parties.